
FOR SALE 2008 8 Channel Satake Ultrascan. $60,000 • Includes platform, Infeed dump hopper, Anex C-style bucket elevator with 50/50 split buckets • Stainless steel hopper over chutes has been modified to prevent plugging and bridging of product • Machine is currently set for 2 passes (4 channels each) and can be run as a single pass (8 channels) • Walnut Setting (can be converted to Almonds) Please contact Nina at (209) 609-6689 FOR SALE 2004 Wiess Bankout Cart w/ bump valve. New tail chain. Good condition. $12,500 For more information, call Don at (209) 202-4184 FOR SALE 2200 lb./hr. almond hulling plant. Two lines, Fadie huller and separator deck with three air-legs. Pre-cleaner 15 ton/hr. with midstate pre-cleaner, H8 Foresberg de-stoner, and Agsco de-twigger. Complete with pit, elevators, cyclones, and 190 ft. hull auger. Sell all or part. Open to offers. Contact Gale Langum at (209) 612-4830. FOR SALE • KCI bank out cart - $13,000 • KCI drive over elevator - $8,500 • KCI dump cart - $5,000 Contact Ian at (559) 286-5709 FOR SALE Beautifully restored to original 1931 Ford Roadster Pickup, $18,000 or best offer. Call (925) 872-0980 FOR SALE REARS 500 gallon Power Blast sprayer with 33" fan. Purchased in 2016 new. Used 13 times. Maintained per manufactures recommendations. Asking $20,000 OBO. Call (209) 604-7444 FOR SALE 1 x 4 x 8' DF tree props bundles of 200. $50.00 ea. 1 x 4 x 10' bundles of 200. $60.00 ea. Barn stored in Merced. Call Dan at (209) 777-3292 FOR SALE • Tractor trailer, 10'x6'-6". 22.5 tires. Crank up ramps. $4,500 • Enviromist Sprayer. 6'-6" spray band. Brand new. Never used. Cost $2,500. Sell $1,250. Call (209) 537-9491. Ceres. Free listings in this section are for the exclusive use of Blue Diamond members. Classified ads for personal use — not as an additional means of advertising commercial ventures members may own. Ads are limited to a maximum of 10 lines and may be submitted to Blue Diamond regional manager or the editor at: Editor: Blue Diamond Growers P.O. Box 1768, Sacramento, CA 95812 Or contact Samantha DeMelo at: Phone: (916) 446-8353 Email: sdemelo@bdgrowers.com Unless advised otherwise, ads will run two consecutive issues. To guarantee placement, classified listings must be submitted by the 10th of: January, March, May, July, September & November. 5 1 J A N U A R Y – F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 0