water sources like neighboring pools/fountains may create a nuisance. Providing water is an easy step to manage bees pollinating almonds and avoid complaints from neighbors. This is why Blue Diamond and Project Apis m. have teamed up to create the Water for Bees program, www.bluediamond.com/ blog/bees-and-blue-diamond. This program provides guidance on how to provide clean water hydration stations honeybees need to flourish before and after the almond bloom. The Water for Bee s program is expanding for 2021 and we invite you to take advantage by requesting bee buckets for your orchard. Providing clean water for optimum bee health is a key best management practice and a good way to demonstrate pollinator sustainability. Developed in partnership with Project Apis m., specifically designed 15-gallon clean water stations use a burlap mesh to provide bees direct access to clean water and provide a resting place which keeps them safe before returning to the hive. The recommended rate is 5 gallons of clean water per 10 hives. Read more on water recommendations for bees pollinating almonds at bluediamondgrowers.com/wp-content/ uploads/2021/01/Water-Recommendations-for- Bees-Pollinating-Almonds.pdf. Blue Diamond will have a limited supply available this year at no charge on a first come, first served, basis through the start of bloom. To request buckets, contact Daniel Deykeyrel at ddekeyrel @ bdgrowers.com or (209) 545-6225, or contact your Blue Diamond Regional Manager to coordinate drop-off. 1 7 J A N U A R Y – F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 1
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