
94 pounds per acre higher when compared to bare soil. While almond growers are finding it increasingly difficult to get reliably strong colonies, beekeepers are facing greater challenges to keep their hives alive. Varroa mites and loss of habitat/poor nutrition are two of the biggest health threats honey bees face in modern beekeeping. To help mitigate other stressors to their bees, beekeepers often look for orchards with supplemental sources of forage for their bees. Planting cover crops that will bloom before and after almonds can help growers attract high-quality beekeepers with healthy hives. Some beekeepers even give growers a discounted rental rate for hives if there is access to supplemental sources of food. Krymsk® 86 (USPP #16272) • Superior anchorage • Adapted to heavy & wet soils Bright's Hybrid 5® (USPP #18782) • Vigorous & drought tolerant • Nematode resistant Hansen 536 • Good anchorage • Vigorous & drought tolerant HYBRID ROOTSTOCKS Our well-branched roots will be the anchor to your orchard success. (800) 675-6075 FowlerNurseries.com Newcastle, CA ORDER NOW FOR 2022 Bareroot and Potted Blue Diamond Growers does not endorse or verify statements made by advertisers within this publication. Billy Synk, Director of Pollination Programs, Project Apis m. Billy@ProjectApism.org (916) 287-3035 www.ProjectApism.org 1 9 J A N U A R Y – F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 1