
Samantha DeMelo, Managing Editor, Almond Facts, Blue Diamond Growers to get out in front of the large supply and create demand,“ he says. Innovative marketing and research create demand. The Almond Board's Nutrition Research Committee, chaired by fellow Blue Diamond grower and former Blue Diamond Board Director George Goshgarian, conducts research involving almond skin pigmentation, skin wrinkling, and viral immunity. ”This progress excites me.“ Stenderup knows it's an honor to represent Blue Diamond as Chair of the Almond Board. And there is plenty of work ahead for the industry. ”As we are confronted with this huge crop, subsequent price correction, and tariff challenges, we can remind ourselves that we grow one of the healthiest and most versatile foods on the plant, right in our backyard,“ he says. ”I am part of what is good for the almond industry and also good for Blue Diamond .“ NAVEL ORANGEWORM MANAGEMENT 0 0 • Turned on 24-7 • No maintenance/No second guessing • Full season results • More Pheromone distribution CIDETRAK ® NOWMESO ™ JUST PERFORMANCE PUFF NO trece.com INSECT PHEROMONE & KAIROMONE SYSTEMS INCORPORATED ® YourEdge–AndOurs– IsKnowledge. — Joe Coelho, Maricopa Orchards Joe’s IPM Program LEARN MORE ©2021,Trécé Inc.,Adair,OKUSA •TRECE,PHEROCONandCIDETRAKare registered trademarksof Trece, Inc.,Adair,OKUSA •TRE-1885,1/21 2 7 J A N U A R Y – F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 1