canker, Cytospora canker and Eutypa canker. Recently, Topsin M has received a 2(ee) label recommendation for use in almonds as a pruning wound protectant against canker pathogens. Similarly, the biological control product Vintec is currently in the registration phase in California for use against canker diseases in almonds. While air blast systems are well adapted for the application of conventional fungicides (i.e. Topsin M: check label rates and recommendations for use), they appear less reliable for the application of Vintec. One reason for this is that tanks used on farms for conventional fungicide applications often contain fungicide residues that may impact the viability of the biological control agent. Field trials are ongoing in our laboratory to optimize application methods and effective delivery of Vintec to pruning wounds. So far, our results suggest that clean, manual-pressure (hand pump) backpack sprayers are better adapted for the application of Vintec to fresh pruning wounds, as this topical application method mainly targets pruning wounds. Furthermore, our current data indicates that Vintec (1 g/L) performs best when mixed with a sticker- spreader adjuvant, demonstrating an efficacy level comparable to that of Tospin M. The availability of Vintec to protect almond trees against canker pathogens adds new biological control solutions to almond growers in California, thus enhancing the long-term sustainability of almond production. Growers are also encouraged to check out the University of California IPM website for more information on various types of canker diseases: www2.ipm.ucanr.edu/agriculture/almond. Article contributed by Almond Board of California FEBRUARY • 16 – Alternative Harvesting Updates: Logistics and Economics MARCH • 2 – Nitrogen Best Management Practices DPR & CCA credits may be available • 16 – Determining When to Start Irrigating and Using the Irrigation Continuum CCA credits available APRIL • 6 – How to Combat Web Spinning Mites DPR & CCA credits may be available • 20 – Navel Orangeworm Best Management Practices DPR & CCA credits may be available MAY • 4 – Application Best Management Practices: Air Blast Sprayers and Ground Rigs DPR & CCA credits may be available • 18 – How to Reduce Aflatoxin Contamination Using AF36 DPR & CCA credits may be available Throughout 2021, the Almond Board of California will host virtual trainings on the first and third Tuesdays of each month to provide growers, PCAs, applicators and other industry stakeholders with timely information that supports production practices at each stage of the growing season. ABC staff and industry experts will present updates on industry-funded research, programs available to assist growers, tools within the California Almond Sustainability Program and more. Time: 8 a.m. PT on the first and third Tuesdays of the month. Duration: 1–1.5 hours each Visit Almonds.com/Events for details on how to join each training. 4 3 J A N U A R Y – F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 1
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