Blue Diamond Goes Green! Two Sites Certified With the Green Business Network
Both Stanislaus County Facilities Now Recognized as Part of Modesto Chamber of Commerce’s California Green Business Network, Stanislaus
Following a comprehensive certification process, the Blue Diamond Growers plants in Salida and Turlock have earned distinction by becoming Green Business Certified by the Modesto Chamber of Commerce’s California Green Business Network, Stanislaus County
Dennis Bettencourt, the site has successfully diverted more than 18 tons of waste from the landfill for more optimal uses, among other achievements in reducing water and energy usage. “We are proud that Blue Diamond ’s priority on sustainability is being recognized” said Bettencourt. “We are honored by this recognition, as well as motivated to continue providing Blue Diamond almonds to the world in a way that honors, respects and preserves the planet and the natural resources that mean so much to all of us.” Both Green Business Certified recognitions were organized by the Modesto Chamber of Commerce just as Turlock’s state-of-the-art 250,000-square-foot plant celebrated its eight anniversary in June. “ Blue Diamond Growers has a long-standing commitment to implementing sustainable practices across all of our facilities and in our almond orchards, too,” said Mark Jansen, President and CEO of Blue Diamond Growers . “This recognition further demonstrates that we are committed to doing our part to build a healthier and more sustainable future for our local communities through adopting new technologies and practices that improve our sustainability efforts. We are proud to have not one, but two facilities to have earned this honor and important recognition.”
program. Blue Diamond is the first business in the county to receive this recognition for demonstrating sustainability as a top business priority. The Salida plant earned their certification in April with the Turlock site following close behind in June. The Green Business Certified honor goes to companies that achieve a verified set of standards, including reducing water use, conserving energy, preventing pollution, increasing recycling, avoiding waste, encouraging alternative transportation, and partnering with other local vendors. Salida’s certification came on the heels of growth and positive milestones at the Salida facility. In 2020, a multi-year construction plan was completed including the addition of a 50-million-pound-capacity Brown Almond Bulk Warehouse. The new warehouse is the second facility of similar capacity recently built at the site. According to Salida Site Leader,
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