Almond Facts, May-June 2021

Billy Synk (BS): Where did you grow up? When did you first start working in agriculture? Chris Rishwain (CR): I was born and raised in Stockton. My grandfather started the business in the 1970s. My dad has been managing the orchard since the 1980s and I became involved in the business about four years ago. BS: What is the name of your operation, how many acres do you manage, and what do you grow? CR: J&R Ranches in Manteca. I manage approximately 150 acres of almonds. BS: Where did you go to school? What other credentials do you have? CR: I graduated from St. Mary’s High School in Stockton. I have a business degree from the University of San Diego and a law degree from the University of San Francisco. BS: What co-ops do you belong to? How have they assisted you in increasing the sustainability of your orchards? CR: We have been a grower for Blue Diamond since the late 1970s. I’ve always appreciated the information that Blue Diamond publishes in Almond Facts that focuses on sustainability. However, it is also the grower meetings where I’ve learned quite a lot and also by speaking with vendors at those meetings whose products or services are geared towards sustainability. BS: What does sustainability mean to you and in your operation? CR: To me, when I think of sustainability I think of conservation of resources, whether it is water, fertilizer, energy, or Integrated Pest Management (IPM). However, learning about cover crops led me to Regenerative Agriculture, which focuses on improving soil health. By improving the health of the soil, the trees become healthier, which then reduces the amount of inputs required, including water to grow a crop. I’ve learned that cover crops are one of the best tools I can use to improve soil health and thereby use less resources. BS: How did you hear about Seeds for Bees, and why did you start incorporating Seeds for Bees into your orchards? CR: I had first heard about Seeds for Bees at a Blue Diamond grower’s meeting about four years ago. Billy Synk from Project Apis m. gave a presentation about Seeds for Bees. I was not familiar with what cover crops were at the time, but I thought that the concept sounded interesting and worth looking into further. I did a lot of research about TGS IS IN THE ZONE 1-800-288-8128 • Better Root Zone Management from Better Water Penetration With The Schmeiser Orchard Max Aerator Patented Smart-Till tines fracture and open the soil 8” deep with little soil disturbance. Breaks hardened soil for longer irrigation sets and less ponding in the row middles. Delivering water and soil amendments directly to the root zone for Max results. • Maximizes water penetration • Increase irrigation runs • Incorporate soil ammendments • Reduces soil compaction • Fast at 6-8 mph reducing cost/acre Call your dealer for a demo or see the video in action at 2 9 M A Y – J U N E 2 0 2 1