Almond Facts, May-June 2021

accumulates from May through July (see nut development graph). Starting now, it is important to manage the orchard to maximize kernel dry weight. Adequate irrigation and nitrogen are key inputs driving kernel growth and final weight. Irrigation I hope that your wells and irrigation systems are functioning as well as can be expected in a drought year. Understanding that water availability and quality vary from orchard to orchard, the following are points to consider. A free publication Drought Management for California Almonds is available as a 10-page pdf download at: ? itemNo=8515. Irrigation is the most critical factor affecting payable yield in most almond blocks from the time this issue of Almond Facts hits your mailbox until harvest (and during/ after harvest, but that’s the next column). Because many orchards went into the season with less than a full profile across the whole planting, monitoring root zone or tree moisture is more important than ever to avoid sudden orchard water stress with the arrival of summer heat, stress that might be eased in other years by deep or row middles moisture that just isn’t there this year. To maintain good kernel fill, adequate irrigation is necessary through May using plant, soil or ET measurements to keep orchards in low to mild water stress levels. Crop water use estimates (ET), soil moisture sensors and/or plant moisture status are all effective tools. The gold standard for irrigation monitoring is plant moisture status measured as stem water potential (SWP) with a pressure chamber. This measurement includes the impact of saline soil conditions on tree water status. Crop water use estimates (ET values) and/or soil moisture monitoring data, while valuable irrigation management tools, don’t integrate the influence of salinity into their output. A free publication on irrigation management with the pressure chamber is available at: Once June arrives, keeping the orchard at SWP above -14 bars is the goal as the kernel fills and dry weight begins to • Compact and lightweight design • Available with trailer or on skids • No permit or license required • Easy to operate and maintain Bright white smoke to detect connected openings. 471 Industrial Ave. • Ripon, CA 95366 • 209.599.6118 • CO-JACK Rodent Control System Protect your investment from rodent damage with the safe and effective CO-Jack carbon monoxide delivery system Contact Us Today for More Information. 4 7 M A Y – J U N E 2 0 2 1