Almond Facts, May-June 2021
Deficient (<1.0% leaf K in summer sample) orchards had less return bloom due to higher rates of spur death than orchards with adequate K (>1.4% leaf K) in UC research. Postharvest K fertilization in a K deficient orchard doesn’t save those spurs and so does not improve crop next year. If you cut back on K fertilizer last fall or this spring and are uncertain about orchard K status, don’t wait for summer leaf level results. Check leaf K levels now, ahead of the traditional July sampling. If the leaf analysis results are falling dangerously low (approaching 1% K), consider fertigating with K before hull split to stave off deficiency and help keep yield potential up for next year. Talk with your CCA about a material and moderate rate that should keep the orchard above deficiency now, and then mark your calendar for the fall to check your summer leaf sample results and plan a K nutrition program for the 2022 crop. Finally, set a date to check/confirm with your CCA about leaf sampling in July and hull sampling (for boron) at harvest. July leaf samples are the final report card for the season’s nutrient program and should be done even if samples were taken earlier in the season. Harvest hull boron tests are particularly important this year, especially if a new irrigation water source(s) were used, to help plan your fall boron program. If you don’t already, add chloride and sodium to the summer leaf analysis list, especially if irrigation water analysis shows either of these toxic elements present in significant amounts. NAVEL ORANGEWORM MANAGEMENT 0 0 • Turned on 24-7 • No maintenance/No second guessing • Full season results • More Pheromone distribution CIDETRAK ® NOWMESO ™ JUST PERFORMANCE PUFF NO INSECT PHEROMONE & KAIROMONE SYSTEMS INCORPORATED ® Your Edge – And Ours – Is Knowledge. — Joe Coelho, Maricopa Orchards Joe’s IPM Program LEARN MORE © 2021, Trécé Inc., Adair, OK USA • TRECE, PHEROCON and CIDETRAK are registered trademarks of Trece, Inc., Adair, OK USA • TRE-1885, 1/21 4 9 M A Y – J U N E 2 0 2 1
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