Almond Facts, May-June 2021

time, risking increased ant damage to the crop and delaying needed irrigation. See the latest version of UC IPMs Fungicide Efficacy and Timing Tables for almonds at the end of the bloom newsletter at: newsletters/Pomology_Notes88311.pdf. May and June is an important time for hull rot control. This damaging condition, caused by several different pathogens, requires use of several control approaches for the best results. Orchards where Monilinia hull rot infections are common should be sprayed with an effective fungicide three to four weeks ahead of hull split, usually in early June. Where Rhizopus or Aspergillis pathogens cause hull rot during early hull split, an integrated program including adequate, not excessive, orchard N status (not more than 2.5% leaf N in July samples), mild water stress in early hull split (think hard about this practice in a drought year) and a fungicide spray tank-mixed with the first hull split spray (2C hull split stage) delivers best results. Keep up gopher and squirrel control. Info on biology and control of both at: Finally, June is a good time to prep equipment and your operation for harvest. Equipment maintenance, stockpile site prep, and employee education and training are key topics. Dust reduction education information is available in English and Spanish at: orchard-management/harvest/dust-reduction. Best wishes for clear skies and a safe end of spring/early summer for all. IN YOUR ORCHARD Franz Niederholzer, UCCE Farm Advisor, Colusa and Sutter/ Yuba Counties 5 2 A L M O N D F A C T S