
The sustainability program is increasingly important to Blue Diamond , Goudie said, because customers are requesting information on a wide range of sustainability issues. “Each buyer has unique interests,” he said. “We need to develop credible information on all those issues from field through processing to be able to be completely transparent and support our sales and marketing teams, domestic and international.” Blue Diamond ’s sustainability program categories of interest include field practices, distribution, water, packaging/ recycling, community giving, facilities, and bees. To be able to systematically address these issues, Blue Diamond has adopted the CASP (California Almond Sustainability Program) platform from the Almond Board of California as its data source for creating a Blue Diamond sustainability narrative. CASP is a ready-to-go online program that growers can opt-in and complete on their own. It includes support from the Almond Board and Blue Diamond field staff, and helps characterize Blue Diamond information in comparison to the rest of the industry. “It gives us vital, credible data to create our own sustainability story,” Goudie said. Incentive Program As a means of encouraging Blue Diamond members to get involved with the CASP program, the board of directors authorized an incentive program that pays growers prescribed amounts for their participation, based on their degree of involvement. Details of the CASP and Incentive programs are available from your field supervisor or the Blue Diamond Membership Office in Salida. To watch a full recording of the Sustainability Seminar, visit bluediamondgrowerscoop. Rooted in Innovation... HYBRID ROOTSTOCKS Our well-branched roots will be the anchor to your orchard success Call Us Today! (800) 675-6075 Newcastle, CA ORDER NOW FOR 2021 & 2022 Krymsk ® 86 (USPP #16272) • Superior anchorage • Adapted to heavy & wet soils Bright's Hybrid 5 ® (USPP #18782) • Vigorous & drought tolerant • Nematode resistant Hansen 536 • Good anchorage • Vigorous & drought tolerant Bareroot & Potted Trees Blue Diamond Growers does not endorse or verify statements made by advertisers within this publication. 3 3 N O V E M B E R – D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 0