know that our growers are doing many incredible sustainability practices on the farm now. By participating in the Grower Sustainability Incentive Plan, growers will have the opportunity help shape the sustainability story at Blue Diamond . To learn more about the Grower Sustainability Incentive Plan, check out the recording of the 2020 Annual Grower Meeting’s Sustainability Session where Blue Diamond introduces the plan, Kellogg’s shares the business value of sustainability, and we provide a Blue Diamond brand perspective on the importance of sharing our sustainability story. You can watch the recording at Stay tuned for the official rollout of the Grower Sustainability Incentive Plan in the new year! Support will be provided by Blue Diamond Regional Managers, the field outreach team from the Almond Board and upcoming workshops that will include detailed instructions and one on one assistance. Let’s step into sustainability and walk into the new year! To get started today, go to: to enroll in CASP. 3 7 N O V E M B E R – D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 0
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