
“We would like to further explore this question from a physiological point of view in terms of how water use is driven by yield, without reducing the yield potential defined at fruit set, nor affecting the quality of almond buds for the subsequent season,” Saa said. “We are also interested in finding the breaking point between tree water demand and the tree energy needed to support predicted yield early in the season. We envision that the results in this area will provide the means to make decisions on how much to irrigate given a certain crop load and thus translate into water-saving capabilities.” Growers interested to learn more about the work of ABC’s Irrigation, Nutrients and Soil Health Workgroup are invited to attend an upcoming meeting. For meeting information, visit Events. Article contributed by the Almond Board of California FOR MORE INFO, PLEASE VISIT E X AC T COR P . COM OR CALL 209.544.8600 FOR EVERY PHASE OF NUT PRODUCT ION. . . SWEEPERS CALL US TO SCHEDULE YOUR HARVEST DEMOS CONDITIONERS CARTS R.O.P.S. Certified Eligible for the LOW-DUST Nut Harvester Replacement Program by the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District SELF-PROPELLED LOW-DUST CONDITIONERS E-CABS HARVESTERS SPRAYERS 3 3 S E P T E M B E R – O C T O B E R 2 0 2 0