Almond Facts, May/June 2016 - page 39

MAY | JUNE 2016
Almond Facts
Mark Borges
– Oakdale
Fall 2016 School:
Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo
Environmental Science
“Much of the public and many state and national representatives are ill-informed of what
happens in the agriculture industry. Farmers should be able to voice their concerns to a
listening audience of educated legislators who desire a productive food source. Unfortunately,
this goal requires work. Agriculture is a strong, determined industry that will continue to
thrive in spite of hardships.”
Mary Marsh
– Arbuckle
Fall 2016 School:
Kansas State University at Manhattan
Agricultural Communications
“The almond industry provides a great example of farmers using irrigation technology to get the
most out of each and every drop of our precious water and it is crucial we get the word out. This
is where Agricultural Communications comes in…I plan to use the skills I develop in this major
to be an advocate for agriculture on a local and potentially state or even national level by working
with a commodity-specific organization like the Almond Board or with the Farm Bureau.”
Mckenzie Carvalho
– Maxwell
Fall 2016 School:
Oklahoma State University
Agricultural Business and Agricultural Communications
“The California almond industry continues to struggle with the expansion of orchards
without water availability. I want to be a proactive resource for the agriculture industry and
I intend on using my degree to promote and protect the agriculture industry’s image, as well
as ensure a positive future for our growing population.”
Gabrielle Ribiero
– Tulare
Fall 2016 School:
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Agriculture Economics
“One of the main issues I see facing agriculture is misinformation that is running viral
throughout the internet and media. Among these misconceptions is that in the public’s eye,
agriculturalists and those in food production and processing are often times vilified as destroyers
of the environment and being cruel to animals. Growing up in Tulare County has taught me
otherwise. My experience growing up on a farm and from participating in the Tulare County
Youth Leadership Program as well as the Tulare FFA Prepared Speaking competitions has
ignited within me a passion to inform the public of the truth.”
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