Almond Facts, March-April 2016 - page 22

Almond Facts
Cooperatives Partner to Introduce
Almond Breeze
to Spain
Blue Diamond
launched two flavors of its popular non-
dairy beverage
Almond Breeze
in Spain at the close of 2015
– the latest effort to grow the reach of the cooperative’s
products throughout the world.
Blue Diamond
partnered with Spanish dairy cooperative Feiraco to gain
optimum distribution of the products throughout the
Iberian Peninsula.
In consumer taste panels,
Almond Breeze
emerged as the
preferred almond milk in the area and two flavors stood out
among the rest – Zero, the only unsweetened almond milk
available in the Spanish market, and Original, a sweetened
version. Both are welcomed additions to the Spanish non-
dairy beverage market as alternatives to dairy and soy milks.
In fact, in a blind taste test consumers ranked the taste
Blue Diamond Almond Breeze
number one among leading
almond milk brands in the Spanish market. In addition
to its winning taste,
Blue Diamond’s
packaging was also
preferred for its design and on-shelf appeal.
Almond Breeze
Zero is made without any added sugar and
is only 14 calories per serving.
Almond Breeze
Original is
sweetened with natural cane sugar and contains just 24
calories per serving. Both varieties of
Almond Breeze
are free
from soy, egg, lactose, gluten and peanuts, and are suitable
for vegans and vegetarians.
Almond Breeze
Zero and Original are perfect for Spanish
consumers who want to live a healthy lifestyle without
sacrificing taste. Our products are low in saturated fat,
contain zero cholesterol and are a high source of calcium,”
said John Beadle, European Business Development Director.
Both products are offered in 1-liter Tetra Brik Shelf
Stable Slim packaging, designed to protect food from
light and air due to its composition and to the shelf
stable packaging system, making it ideal for all kinds
of consumer experiences by preserving food at room
temperature. Additionally, both varieties have been
launched with a screw cap, bringing comfort and
confidence to consumers through the combination of an
easy opening system with excellent security.
“The alliance between
Blue Diamond
and Feiraco in Spain
and Portugal responds to the demands of today’s consumer
by bringing healthy, low-calorie
Almond Breeze
to market,”
Beadle said.
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