Almond Facts, March-April 2016 - page 30

Almond Facts
Understanding FSMA
Kelly Covello, President of the Almond Hullers & Processors
Association, addressed attendees to provide clarity and
answer questions about the new Food Safety Modernization
Act. The new regulation is raising concerns amongst growers
and farmers across the country.
“Determining how regulations apply is case-specific, based
on activities performed, number of employees, location,
ownership structure and more,” said Covello.
Covello advocates on behalf of the almond industry, and
was heavily involved in negotiating with the Food and Drug
Administration on FSMA. She explained that “everyone is
impacted by the rules of FSMA” as there are not only new
definitions of what constitutes as a farm, but also what now
applies to growers. Her advice was to implement changes
as soon as possible to avoid complications and make the
transition easier.
A look into the Brand’s Handle
Blue Diamond
prides itself on the cooperative structure,
allowing the entire process, from growing to distribution, to
be managed internally. And so, the MASTERS program
would not have been complete without an in-depth look into
he branded side of the company.
Blue Diamond’s
North American Consumer Division supplies
the cooperative’s branded products to consumers across
North America, including all products from
Almond Breeze
to the BOLD flavored almonds. Conversely,
Blue Diamond’s
Global Ingredients Division team provides business
customers with almonds for their brand products, including
everything from candy bars, trail mix and cereal.
“Every almond has a place in the ingredient world,” said
Jeff Smith, Director of Industrial Marketing. “And we
want to be the industry’s first choice for value-added
almond ingredients.”
Both Smith and Maya Erwin, Snack Group Marketing
Manager, gave presentations to the group, discussing the
market for each separate division and where the industry’s
future lies.
Blue Diamond
has experienced consecutive growth for 19
years, not many companies can say the same,” explained
Erwin. “Innovation is critical, we are always thinking about
the next big idea.”
For more information about the MASTERS program,
contact your local field supervisor or the Membership office
at (209) 545-6225.
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