Almond Facts, March-April 2016 - page 26

Almond Facts
Council of California
Leveraging our
We had a record attendance at our 97th Annual
Meeting in early March. It was a time to come
together with our members, including several
representatives of
Blue Diamond
, and share our
successes, as well as our outlook for the future.
This year’s meeting theme was “Leveraging
our Strength,” and it is a fitting motto for our
organization, as we are a small staff, but we have
found effective ways to work cooperatively with
members of both parties to protect agricultural
businesses in California.
As our chairman Brendon Flynn noted in his opening
remarks, Ag Council represents a broad breadth of
agriculture and while we historically only represented
just farmer cooperatives, we now embody all facets of
agriculture, which makes us a unique and powerful voice
in Sacramento.
During my annual address, I discussed our organization’s
work in building bridges with lawmakers from both
sides of the aisle. We have invested significant efforts in
reaching out to moderates to help them understand the
importance of agriculture to job growth and California’s
economic health.
The message has been heard, as Governor Brown has
attended an Ag Council event at least once every year
since his election. While there are ongoing challenges to
agriculture, including the need for more water storage
and emerging issues with Proposition 65, I am optimistic
about the changes that are occurring in the legislature.
Further solidifying that opinion were some of the
comments made by three members of the Moderate
Democrats Caucus, “Mod Dems” for short, who were
keynote speakers during our Annual Dinner. “We have
to steer policies forward in a way that makes sense for
farmers,” said Assemblymember Bill Dodd (D-Napa).
“The legislature has not treated you like the breadbasket
of the world that you are—that needs to change. The
economic impact of California agriculture is undeniable
and we need to make sure your industry stays robust
and sustainable.”
Assemblymembers Rudy Salas (D-Bakersfield) and Jim
Cooper (D-Elk Grove), co-chairs of the “Mod Dems”
echoed those sentiments in their comments: “We all want
a strong California and we all want a strong economy,”
said Salas. “Your industry is key to our state’s economic
viability and you do have champions [in the legislature]
that want to take a pragmatic approach.”
The General Session held the following day, and
moderated by Jackson Gualco of The Gualco Group,
featured Secretary of the California Department of Food
and Agriculture (CDFA) Karen Ross; and Armando
Assemblyman Jim Cooper
(D-Elk Grove) addresses
Ag Council annual
meeting attendees.
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