Almond Facts, March-April 2016 - page 21

It Lasts. So Mites Can’t.
With Zeal
Miticide, you’ll win the fight. That’s because
delivers long-lasting
control and affects mites in all stages, including eggs. Use
on a growing list of
crops against major mites like two-spotted spider and red mites. Get the miticide
that lasts. Get
. And take back your crops once and for all.
To fight back using the long-lasting power of
, talk to your dealer or visit
It Lasts. So Mites Can’t is a trademark and Zeal and Products That Work, From People Who Care are registered
trademarks of Valent U.S.A. Corporation. ©2016 Valent U.S.A. Corporation. All rights reserved. AM52359.02
NowRegistered inCorn
Always read and follow label instructions.
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