Almond Facts, May/June 2016 - page 12

Almond Facts
MAY | JUNE 2016
California Ag in the Classroom Recognizes
Blue Diamond
for Longstanding Support
The California Foundation for Agriculture in the
Classroom recognized
Blue Diamond
for its continued
involvement and support over the course of the
Foundation’s 30 years.
Blue Diamond
has long supported
this program because of its commitment to agriculture
education. Ag in the Classroom is a not-for-profit
organization dedicated to educating youth throughout
the state about agriculture and its importance in their
everyday lives. The organization develops materials,
provides programs and training opportunities for
teachers, and partners with like-minded organizations
to raise awareness and appreciation for the industry.
Materials such as their annual newspaper, What’s
Growing On, highlights California’s agricultural
industries, engaging learners with different articles,
graphics and activities. This year’s newspaper highlights
California’s top ten commodities and features a full
page on almonds. For more information on Ag in the
Classroom, visit
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