Almond Facts, May/June 2016 - page 14

Almond Facts
MAY | JUNE 2016
Facility Hosts
The Salida Plant hosted a special
delegation of visitors from China
and the Almond Board of California
(ABC) in April. The representatives
from China work for the General
Administration of Quality Supervision,
Inspection and Quarantine (referred to
as AQSIQ). This government agency
in China is responsible for enforcing
food safety standards for imported
products.  Total California Almond
exports to China last crop year were
about 128 million lbs representing
about 7 percent of world-wide
shipments. This visit was coordinated
through the ABC to educate these
Chinese regulatory representatives on
the food safety practices and controls
in the almond industry.
“Educating key personnel in our export
markets is essential to ensure our
products are shipped to our world-
wide customers without unnecessary
interruptions at the ports,” said Brian
Dunning, Quality Assurance Director
Blue Diamond
. “Our Salida team
did a fantastic job in demonstrating
how high quality California almonds
are processed and how finished
product quality is tested and verified.”
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