Almond Facts, May/June 2016 - page 19

MAY | JUNE 2016
Almond Facts
Raimondi has transformed her role and carved out a niche
for herself in the marketing department. Recipe development
is a prime example of this. After brainstorming sessions to
determine what attributes of almond flour the team would like
to exhibit and determining the desired flavor profiles, Raimondi
gets to work on research.
“The great thing about gluten-free baking and cooking is there
is a world of resources and blogs available. I try to find a few
recipes to start building a list of ingredients I would like to
use in a product to understand proportions in the recipe,” she
explained. “When I’ve pieced together what I feel is a good
recipe, the fun begins!”
Her next steps include a trip to the grocery store to gather all the
ingredients she intends to experiment with followed by baking
the recipe over and over, tweaking the process each time until
the end product is satisfactory. “At this point, I like to solicit the
feedback of my coworkers by offering a taste testing! I typically
make the final recipe a few more times to ensure it works each
time before typing it up and publishing it to the
Blue Diamond
Global Ingredients website or other literature,” she said.
The versatility of almond flour makes it an ideal ingredient for
gluten-free baking and cooking. Raimondi describes it as “one
Continued on page 20.
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