This report covers the conditions and activities observed from February 3rd, 2025, to February 10, 2025. Written updates will be posted regularly on Mondays throughout bloom and will have a more regionalized focus. Additional updates will be posted as needed.
Almond trees are starting to break dormancy throughout California’s almond growing region. The Sacramento Valley leads all regions this year, particularly along the west side of Colusa and Glenn counties. Early blooming Sonora is presenting the greatest proportion of open flowers with advanced examples showing as much as 50% open flowers. Nonpareil in the Sacramento Valley are beginning to show the first flowers and are followed closely by California type varieties, with Fritz leading the way.
Bloom in the San Joaquin Valley is trailing the Sacramento Valley by a few days. Advanced Sonora and Nonpareil plantings are just beginning to present open flowers. Butte and Padre in all growing regions are developing well, and entering the green tip stage.
Wet weather appeared in forecasts at the beginning of the week, with some coming to fruition throughout the week. Colusa County grower Gerry Rominger stated, “I’m optimistic, some humidity around bloom is usually a good thing. I’m concerned with the quality of bees due to the shortage and risk of frost since we’re running about a week early on bloom.” Cold weather is forecasted following the rain event.
A drier, warmer January has allowed for the accomplishment of many farming practices. Winter weed control, orchard sanitation, and potash applications have been noted across the state. Orchard pruning looks to have slowed but was still active during the winter months. Older less productive orchards continue to be removed throughout the state.
By: Trent Voss, Lead Regional Manager
Photos By: Christine Ivory, KC Clendenin, and Mel Machado