This report covers the conditions and activities observed from February 9, 2024 to February 15, 2024. Written updates will be posted regularly on Fridays throughout bloom and will have a more regionalized focus. Additional updates will be posted as needed.
Winter dormancy has started to break across California’s almond growing region. Sonora and a few other select early risers are the only varieties with significant bloom, some as much as 50% or more. Other than those planted with Sonora, all other orchards look posed to have good overlap between varieties and a strong bud set.
Nonpareil has started to wake up from its slumber in many orchards across the valley. California types look to be within a couple days of the Nonpareil, with the Fritz being slightly ahead. Monterey and Carmel are trailing behind those, and the later blooming Butte and Padre are bringing up the rear with many orchards just entering green tip. We must acknowledge that quite a bit of orchard-to-orchard variation is becoming evident in Nonpareil and their associated pollinators. Some are just beginning to present flowers for pollination, while others are showing 10% to 15% open bloom. As far as self-fertile varieties go, Independence is advancing at a rate which should lead to a measurable amount of bloom soon. Shasta is out ahead of Independence with a considerable amount of bloom.
Wet weather appeared in forecasts at the beginning of the week, with some coming to fruition midweek. Growers applied, or are preparing to apply, disease preventative treatments for the anticipated extensive weather events.
Wet weather earlier in the year has delayed weed control measures and mummy nut destruction in many orchards, but growers have stayed determined to accomplish these tasks. Orchard removal continues throughout the state as exhausted nonproductive orchards continue to be removed.
By: Trent Voss, Member Relations Regional Manager
Photos By: Mel Machado, Ben Goudie