This report covers the conditions and activities observed from March 8, 2024 to March 14, 2024. This will be the final report covering bloom for 2024. The next crop report is scheduled for Monday, April 1, 2024. Additional updates will be posted as needed.
The 2024 California almond bloom is quickly coming to an end. In the San Joaquin Valley, all varieties have all passed peak bloom and are quickly pushing green leaves. In the Sacramento Valley some late blooming Butte and Padre blocks are wrapping up and will more than likely be finished by the end of the weekend. Nuts are sizing at a rapid rate and already showing size differences in varieties like Nonpareil and Sonora. California type varieties are starting to break jackets as the green nutlets gain size. As the nuts start to size, the inevitable drop of unpollinated blossoms and nutlets has started, leaving growers to speculate on the size of their crop. In the coming weeks as the nuts start to develop and increase in size growers will begin to have a better idea of what the trees hold.
Mike Mora, a grower in Stanislaus County, stated “The crop is looking good and hopefully it sticks. My concern is that we didn’t get a long period of decent weather conditions until the later part of bloom”.
Quality bee weather continued for the last week of bloom, except for a light storm that came through the central part of the state. The storm did not bring much rain and was quickly dried by the emerging sunlight. High winds at the end of the week limited bee activity, but many beekeepers have already started to move hives out of orchards. Growers will have their eyes on future weather events as the warmer weather and potential moisture can bring on disease growth.
Growers spent the last week of bloom completing many orchard tasks. Growers had no need for disease treatments, so the focus was on weed control. Mowing and weed control applications were noted throughout the state. Navel Orangeworm traps have or are being placed as growers start to switch from disease protection to pest protection. Fertilizer applications have increased with the emergence of leaves and will continue into the growing season.
By: Trent Voss
Photos By: Mel Machado, Ben Goudie, Trent Voss