The Latest Co-op News & Reports

Delivering the world’s highest quality almond products to over 90 countries, Blue Diamond has deep expertise in all aspects of farming, product development and applications, trends, innovation, food safety and thought leadership.

We gladly share that expertise with our growers, customers, and industry partners in order to promote the delicious and nutritious benefits of Blue Diamond’s almonds.

Latest News

February 13, 2017

Cooler weather over the weekend slowed the progression of bloom throughout the state. The early blooming Sonora variety has a small number of flowers opened… [Read More]

February 13th, 2017

February 10, 2017

Wet and relatively warm weather has been the story throughout the state for the past week. Over the past 7 days, the Northern part of… [Read More]

February 10th, 2017
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Blue Diamond Almonds Market Update

February 9, 2017 Bill Morecraft Senior Vice President   Overview – With the 2017 crop bloom rapidly approaching, the ABC Position Report issued today reinforces… [Read More]

February 10th, 2017


The 2017 bloom period will start in just a few weeks and growers will soon begin monitoring their orchards for signs of fungal disease. Growers… [Read More]

February 10th, 2017

February 3, 2017

Trees are beginning to wake up throughout California and buds are beginning to swell in early blooming varieties. There has been little emergence of green tissue… [Read More]

February 3rd, 2017


California’s almond bloom is the largest single pollination event in the world. And we all know that the bloom and the subsequent crop we all… [Read More]

February 2nd, 2017