The Latest Co-op News & Reports

Delivering the world’s highest quality almond products to over 90 countries, Blue Diamond has deep expertise in all aspects of farming, product development and applications, trends, innovation, food safety and thought leadership.

We gladly share that expertise with our growers, customers, and industry partners in order to promote the delicious and nutritious benefits of Blue Diamond’s almonds.

Latest News

Baking Up a Storm to Promote Almond Flour

Promoting a new almond product requires creativity.  Showcasing the product’s unique qualities, versatility and availability are key to encouraging new and existing customers to adopt the product…. [Read More]

June 24th, 2016

Legislation Abounds During Springtime in the Capitol

Originally Published in the May-June Almond Facts Agricultural Council of California | EMILY ROONEY, President Ag Council is Giving You a Voice in the Process This spring… [Read More]

June 20th, 2016

Time To Consider – DAVID DOLL, UCCE Nut Crop Pomology Farm Advisor, Merced County

Originally Published in the May – June Almond Facts DAVID DOLL, UCCE Nut Crop Pomology Farm Advisor, Merced County Almond kernel development is ahead of schedule…. [Read More]

June 17th, 2016

AG Overtime Bill Defeated in State Assembly

Assembly Bill 2757, also known as the AG Overtime Bill, failed to pass California’s Assembly on June 2, signifying a significant win for California Agriculture…. [Read More]

June 14th, 2016
GID logo

Almond Market Update June 2016

Bill Morecraft – Senior Vice President | Global Ingredients Division | Blue Diamond Growers Overview  The Almond Board of California released the May Position Report… [Read More]

June 13th, 2016

Western Growers Association Video Examines Drought Regulatory Policy Impacts on Endangered Fish Populations

The Western Growers Association (WGA) recently released a VIDEO examining the impact of recent regulatory policy actions governing El Niño winter water flows through the California… [Read More]

June 7th, 2016