The Latest Co-op News & Reports

Delivering the world’s highest quality almond products to over 90 countries, Blue Diamond has deep expertise in all aspects of farming, product development and applications, trends, innovation, food safety and thought leadership.

We gladly share that expertise with our growers, customers, and industry partners in order to promote the delicious and nutritious benefits of Blue Diamond’s almonds.

Latest News

California farmworker overtime expansion sent to Gov. Jerry Brown

The Sacramento Bee August 29, 2016 By Jeremy B. White The California Assembly on Monday sent Gov. Jerry Brown a hard-fought and historic expansion of… [Read More]

September 2nd, 2016

Considerations for Replanting Almond Orchards

The Almond Doctor By David Doll, University of California Cooperative Extension It is the time of the year when many operations begin the process of… [Read More]

August 29th, 2016

August Update Now Available

The Latest Almond Business News Our popular Membership print publication, Update is now available in the Grower News Section. In this issue: Market Status 2016… [Read More]

August 24th, 2016

Implementing the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act

Maven’s Notebook recently published a great article Implementing the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act which details the realities and challenges facing California’s groundwater future sustainability.  This… [Read More]

August 23rd, 2016

Trans-Pacific Partnership Presents Unique Trade Opportunity for Co-op

Advocacy Report | Julian Heron Originally Published in the July-August Almond Facts The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TTP) is a hot and current topic in DC right now…. [Read More]

August 19th, 2016

Have an Almond Flour Recipe? We Want It!

Please submit your recipes by next Friday August 26th, 2016.

August 19th, 2016