Crop Progress Report

Take a virtual field trip through California’s almond orchards, featuring scenes captured on location in the Sacramento Valley and the central and southern San Joaquin Valley. Check back here often to see the latest conditions and crop status from our orchards across California.

Latest From the Orchard

March 5, 2018

Bloom progression moved slowly over the weekend due to cooler temperatures and thunderstorms throughout the state. Additional rainfall resulted from stormy conditions in all areas… [Read More]

March 2, 2018

Heavy rains and high winds covered most of the state keeping bees in boxes all day Thursday. Rain accumulations ranged from .25” in the southern… [Read More]

February 28, 2018

Cold temperatures continued to slow bloom progression and limit bee activity over the past two days. Daytime highs in the Sacramento and Northern San Joaquin… [Read More]

February 26, 2018

Bloom has peaked in Nonpareil and California type pollinizers amid cold temperatures this weekend that minimized bee flight in the central and southern regions. Sunday… [Read More]

February 23, 2018

Frigid conditions continue to influence bloom statewide, as Nonpareils approach peak bloom in the central and southern regions. Overnight lows in the upper 20s continued… [Read More]